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Investor Relations Policy

Investor Relations (IR) work in Pexip helps ensure that all financial market stakeholders and our shareholders have access to correct, complete and consistent information. The IR function helps build investor loyalty and allows Pexip to stay informed on market expectations and needs. The goal of Investor Relations is to attract new investors while securing accurate analyst coverage.



Code of Conduct


Pexip follows the Norwegian corporate governance code. This includes the code’s policy and principles for publication of relevant information. Therefore, information shall at all times be available on Pexip's investor website (





Contact related to Pexip's financial and operational development, strategy, acquisitions, agreements etc. is strictly limited to Pexip's CEO, CFO, Chair of the Board and Investor Relations Officer. Other employees are instructed to refer to the above mentioned managers if approached by the media or other stakeholders.


English and Norwegian will be the primary languages used for investor communication. Stock exchange notices and other formal communications will be published in English.



Financial and other investor information


Pexip publishes correct, complete and consistent information on the company's results - and strategy when agreed (i.e. at Capital Market Days). The distribution of the information is intended to place our current and future shareholders in a well-informed position. From this position, these stakeholders should be able to take a well-founded decision on the acquisition or sale of the Pexip share.



Interim reports


Reporting of financial information shall follow the framework set out by the Norwegian Securities and Trading Act and Oslo Stock Exchange’s continuing obligations for listed companies. In addition, Pexip follows the Oslo Børs' IR-policy recommendation, as well as the current financial market practice for investor and shareholder information.



Notices to the Oslo Stock Exchange


Notices to the Oslo Stock Exchange are mainly related to the company's operational and strategic activities. The IR-function should at all times contribute to increasing the understanding of Pexip development and financial position. All matters with a possible impact on Pexip's activities and future development are to be published and be made available to company stakeholders as soon as possible. This means that after the information has been approved by all relevant parties, it is to be made available to the market. In cases where special considerations have to be made, the company's Legal Counsel and CEO, or Board of Directors, will make the decision on publication of such information.


Price relevant information is to at all times be handled in line with current insider rules.


Pexip does not comment on rumors.



Silent periods


In the last three weeks prior to distribution and publication of company results, no meetings with shareholders, investors or analyst are to be held. Pexip also has the right to put into effect Silent Periods in connection with other corporate events.


In Silent Periods, no comments will be given to other stakeholders, such as the press, on Pexip's results and future development.



Distribution of information


Pexip's communication is based on openness and respects the requirement for equal treatment of all shareholders.


Relevant information is published on and in addition to mandatory distribution channels. It's possible to subscribe to Pexip's stock exchange notices and press releases on the investor website. All information that is to be sent to shareholders shall be made available at the same time on



Result reporting


Quarterly result reporting should be open presentations, either physically or via webcast, that are primarily held for shareholders, investors and/or analysts. Other stakeholders and interested parties, such as the press, are also welcome to attend.


Interim reports should be published within 45 days before the next quarterly period. The date for interim reporting is to be made available in the Financial Calendar on



Capital Markets Day


Pexip should conduct a capital markets day when considered appropriate in order to update the market on the company's development. Capital market day is to be open for all stakeholders who wishes to attend and presentations are to be made available on

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