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Corporate Governance Policy

1. Vision and values


Pexip has a strong joint purpose and culture, sharing the following mission, vision and promise:
  • Our mission: To empower people to be seen and to engage with each other in a better way.
  • Our vision: To make virtual meetings better than meeting in-person.
  • Our promise:  To meet the world with video communications as it should be.


The Pexip Way, our values:


Professional & Fun - We are committed to our partners and customers. We are passionate and fun to work with. We strive for excellence.

No Bullshit - We say it as it is. We do what needs to be done. We stand for honesty and integrity.

Freedom & Responsibility - We encourage initiative and innovation. We are all leaders. We act like owners.

One Team - We make each other better. We respect, support and care for each other. We appreciate diversity.



2. Ethical Guidelines


The Company will maintain high ethical standards in its business concept and relations with customers, suppliers and employees. The following ethical guidelines will be practiced in the Company and will apply to all employees of the Company and its subsidiaries (the Group):

  1. Personal conduct: All employees and representatives of the Group shall behave with respect and integrity towards business relations and partners, customers and colleagues. The Company's executive management team has a particular responsibility to promote openness, loyalty and respect.
  2. Conflict of Interests: The Group’s employees or representatives shall avoid situations in which a conflict between their own personal and/or financial interests and the Company’s interests may occur.
  3. Confidential Information: Employees or representatives of the Group possessing confidential information related to the Group shall conduct themselves and safeguard such information with great care and loyalty and comply with any and all signed confidentiality statements.
  4. Influence: The Group’s employees and representatives shall neither directly nor indirectly offer, promise, request, demand or accept illegal or unjust gifts of money or any other remuneration in order to achieve a commercial benefit.
  5. Competition: The Company supports fair and open competition. The Group’s employees and representatives shall never take part in any activities that may constitute a breach of competition legislation.
  6. Breach of Ethical Guidelines: Any breach of these ethical guidelines may inflict severe consequences for the Company.

3. Information and Communication


The Board and the executive management team assign considerable importance to giving the shareholders relevant and current information about the Company and its activity areas. Emphasis is placed on ensuring that the shareholders receive the same and simultaneous information.

Sensitive information will be handled internally in a manner that minimises the risk of leaks.


The Company shall have routines for who is allowed to speak on behalf of the Company on different subjects and who shall be responsible for submitting information to the market and investor community. The CEO and CFO will be the main contact persons of the Company in such respects. The Board should ensure that the shareholders are given the opportunity to make known their points of view at and outside the general meeting.

The entire policy can be downloaded here → Pexip Corporate Governance Policy

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